NJSTAR Chinese WP 4.0 for Windows 95 Shareware Release - README.TXT =================================== September 1, 1996 Functions: Chinese Word Processor, Editor, Code Converter for Windows 95. Advanced Pinyin Online Input with Auto Word Remembering. Read/Write Big5, GB, HZ code with auto-detection. Full Windows WYSIWYG interface with RTF import/export. OLE2.0 embedded Pictures and Objects. True Type Hanzi Fonts for Pro versions, and much more... Trying is believing, download it today! Files Distributed: 1. As single zip file: NJC400.ZIP (Size 3.5 MB) Installation: (1) unzip the file, NJC400.EXE will be extracted (2) run NJC400.EXE for installation If you have trouble to download this big zip file, you can download following smaller files from http://www.njstar.com.au/njstar/chinese/download.htm 2. As 3 smaller zip files for easy downloading ( < 1.2 MB each) NJC400a.ZIP - Part 1 of 3 NJC400b.ZIP - Part 2 of 3 NJC400c.ZIP - Part 3 of 3 Installation: (1) unzip all 3 zip files into temp directory \TMP (2) run SETUP.BAT in a DOS Window for installation Uninstallation: Uninstallation program is included in the shareware version. If you want to uninstall NJStar from your system, you can click the NJSTAR uninstall icon, then all the files in the NJStar will be removed. For latest information, please visit our WWW web site at: http://www.njstar.com.au/ Hongbo Ni ===================================================================== Hongbo Data Systems Inc. Phone: +61-2-9869-0821 P. O. Box 40 Fax: +61-2-9869-0823 Epping NSW 2121 Email: hongbo@njstar.com.au Australia WebSite: http://www.njstar.com.au/ =====================================================================